Wednesday 11 April 2012

The Final Chapter...for now anyways!

Before this semester started, I had minimal involvement in social media. Facebook was the extent of my social networking and I refused to join the twitter craze, did not have any accounts other than email, and used Facebook for networking exclusively with friends. ALES 204 has opened up the social networking world for me in more than one way. Not only do I now have twitter (and enjoy following certain charities and professionals within my field of study), but I also know how to used Facebook professionally, as well as reach out to experts in the field through sites such as LinkedIn. I am able to effectively use pictures, as well as post pictures, on Flickr, and I understand the meanings behind the different creative commons' licenses, and can copyright my personal pictures in a way that best suits my needs.

One of the things we did this semester that I was most excited about was the Wiki Stub update. This was where we chose an article or topic on Wikipedia, that had an existing stub, and added or modified it's contents to make it more accurate and in-depth. I took special excitement in this project because as a University student, Wikipedia is constantly coming to the rescue with simple explanations and helpful links. Although I understand it is not reliable for everything, I like to use it as a starting point for gathering information, and expanding my knowledge through the references helpfully listed below. I also appreciate that it is peer and community edited, and that it continues to be run and supported by the people who use it. I think that Wikipedia is one of the most positive examples of an internet community, as it is a group of people who share and disseminate information for others to freely use.

In addition, I was pleasantly surprised with the results of creating a Twitter account. I now tweet frequently, and follow people who interest me, and give me more insight into career options and what is current news. The fact that it allows information to be right at your fingertips is amazing, and you can communicate with people all over the world! The impact it has had on the global community is tremendous, and I definitely plan on keeping my account. As I mentioned in my last blog post, I now follow Dogs with Wings which is a local charity that I am very interested in volunteering with. I can now follow their updates easily and keep on top of new news and events within the charity. That alone made joining Twitter worthwhile!

The Social Media Bandwagon! Image retrieved April 11, 2012 from CSIC Student Blog: Rocking the Boat 

The third portion of this class that I found most useful and enjoyable was the creation of this blog. I have never blogged before, although I did follow a few blogs of other people and enjoyed them. It feels really cool to be on the other side and to have my own blog! It is very satisfying to write down all your thoughts and post for others to read; I feel that it is a very non-invasive or pushy way to say what's on your mind. This summer I am travelling in Europe for three months, and my parents recently asked how I was planning to keep in touch; I immediately thought of this blog and how I could use it to keep them updated! I would have never thought of that before this class. It's little things, such as the making of a travel blog, that make me realize how much of the information and topics we covered in class are applicable to the real world and how much I am able to take away from this class. Although I did prefer when we worked on more professional topics, such as creating CVs and Pecha Kucha presentations, I also am able to appreciate the value of our other projects like creating a Twitter account and starting a blog.

I came into this class fairly clueless about social media and networking, and I leave it feeling more confident about my abilities with the internet and with a better knowledge of how social media in beneficial in all areas of my life. Thanks for the great semester ALES 204, I look forward to using the things I have learned in my life on a daily basis! My classmate, Nian Liu, wrote a really insightful blog post about her time in this class, as well as her CSL (Community Service Learning) placement. She volunteered with the campus Food Bank, which has not only helped her gain more experience for her degree (Food Science), but has also helped her improve her communication skills and her public speaking. What a great benefit! Check out her blog post here to read more!
Wordle of this blog post. Created by Lauren Bradshaw on April 13, 2012. Screenshot by L. Bradshaw (personal collection, 2012). Original word-cloud created at

Throughout the term, I commented on other classmates' blogs, the links are listed below if you want to check out any of their blogs or posts!
1) Becky Bohlender
2) Alyssa Coulombe
3) Nian Liu
4) Jami Frederick
5) Loana Valdez

Friday 6 April 2012

Social Networking and Charities

Dogs with Wings is a locally based charity that trains dogs to assist people who are somehow impaired in their everyday functioning. Guide dogs, assistance dogs, therapy dogs,  and autism dogs are just some examples of the vast array of jobs these dogs can accomplish. Dogs with Wings came into one of my classes in the fall semester, and they talked about who they are, what they do, and why they do it. The organization essentially runs on committed volunteers as it is volunteers who sign up for a puppy, care and nurture it, as well as train them to become service dogs. Two different volunteer puppy-raisers came in and talked about how rewarding their work is and how much they enjoy what they do. This really sparked my interest and I would love to volunteer for this organization when I am more independent and able to properly accept the responsibilities that come along with it.

Although at this point in my life I would be an unsuitable puppy-raiser, I did look into the organization and gather some background information on their goals and values as a charity. Upon doing so, I was browsing their website when I saw they had both Twitter and Facebook accounts! Naturally I started following them and wow was I ever impressed! I know I should not judge a book by it's cover, but Dogs with Wings is relatively small as far as charities go and aside from the presentation I received in class, as well as my own research, I have never heard or read anything about the charity! Nothing in newspapers, on the radio, in the morning news...nothing! And now I know why! Dogs with Wings has chosen to make their mark through social media! And after checking out both their Twitter and their Facebook accounts, I must say that whoever is in charge is doing a good job of it. Their twitter feed is regularly updated and lets people know about information sessions they hold, where you can meet and greet the organization, and what kind of volunteers they need at that point in time. I liked their twitter feed as it updated not only the charities current status, but also posted links to other websites that had mentioned them, pictures of the different dogs, and when they ARE on the morning news (I guess I wasn't tuned in at the right times!). What a difference! Keeping up with the charity and it's on-goings is so much easier now and so quick! It takes less than 60 seconds of my time in the morning to read what they have been doing most recently or what their future plans are.

As for the Facebook profile, although I check it less often, I find that their Facebook page to be such a positive community, bringing people together who have common interests. Twitter is better for quick updates on the actual charity but the Facebook page is nice because it facilitates networking within the community.

Dogs with Wings' Mascot! What a cutie.
Image retrieved: April 9, 2012 from Dogs with Wings

After checking out both of these social media sites and how Dogs with Wings utilized them, I have to say that social networking, such as Twitter and Facebook, are amazing platforms that allow for real-time updates and help bring people together. I am so thrilled that Dogs with Wings uses these forums as I can now stay up to date with them and get to know the organization even better. A blog post recently done by a classmate of mine, Alyssa Coulombe, talks about how social networking and the horse industry are integrated and work together. She is a horse owner so Twitter and Facebook allow her to connect to real people and organizations for questions, event/competition information, health concerns, and general information! Whitemud Equine Centre and Spruce Meadows are just a few of the organizations that social media allows her to stay in touch with. To read more about it, check out her blog here: Social Media and the Equine World

Hopefully one day I can take more involved role and be able to volunteer my time, but for now being able to keep up with where they are at in terms of daily activity is great. Thanks Twitter and Facebook for allowing me to keep my interests closer at heart!

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Wiki Stub Contribution!

Okay I have some exciting news....I have finally contributed something of use to the Wikipedia community! I recently edited a stub on Wikipedia about "dourine", which is a sexually transmitted disease in horses for anyone who is interested! It was not extremely complex to do, but definitely more involved than I first thought it would be as I have never contributed to a Wiki before. There are lots of little details you have to learn to work out but I thought it was so worth it! It was really rewarding to post useful information, on a topic I am interested in and know about, in a medium where people have access to it and can use it for their own purposes.

There are many different areas in life where you must ensure that the information you are presenting is accurate, but this is especially necessary when you are posting something that other people will read and possibly use. For this reason I took great care in finding and citing authentic sources, and I feel proud of what I have posted and feel comfortable with other people using the information I posted.

There are all kinds of different Wiki's, other than Wikipedia, that share many different kinds of information. As we went over in class this week, the range is highly variable; consisting of Wiki's for conservationists, Star Wars buffs, animal lovers, and book writers. Wikipedia is just the tip of the iceberg. I personally love the idea of Wiki's as it allows people from all over the world to interact and share what they know. And I can guarantee that what I bring to the table will be completely different from what someone else might be able to share. I also love that everyone takes something different away from the experience when information is shared this way. I feel that the times in my life where I have learned the most are similar to how Wiki's share information: different people interacting and sharing what they know about topics that interest them. What better way to build passion about a subject than bringing together a group of people who share a common interest? Wiki's are another great example of how social media has efficiently created positive cyber-communities and brought people together in a way that was not possible before.

On the other side of the coin, it's important to use caution when utilizing databases such as Wikipedia. Although people may be posting with the best intentions, it is never guaranteed that the information you are reading is completely accurate. Something I suggest doing when thinking about using a Wikipedia article or another source similar, is check our if they are able to support their article academically with primary papers and such. Seeing where their sources came from will help you to verify their information. Sometimes I like to find references by starting on Wikipedia and using the links listed at the bottom to locate the primary sources; it's a great way to get started on a paper!

In case anyone wanted to check out my Wiki stub, here is the link: Wiki Stub on Dourine in Horses. Everything under the headings "Bacterium" and "Treatment" are the paragraphs I contributed, as well I added references/citations to the previous paragraph, as they had only listed one reference did not have the credentials to back it up.

This is a screenshot of my Wiki Stub which can be found here. To see exactly what I edited, check out the history of the Stub and look for edits done by bradshawlauren! Photo: L. Bradshaw, personal collection (March 20, 2012)
And here is the link to a fellow student's blog, who edited a Wiki stub on CIDR (controlled internal drug release) in the agriculture industry and how they utilize this tool to synchronize things such as estrus cycles in horses and other livestock. She added/edited a large portion of the Wiki Stub and her writing is very academic and professional. I suggest you check it out!

Monday 23 January 2012


Hey all! So today I created a professional facebook page. Yeah I know, sounds like an oxymoron right? But they do exist! It's a unique way to communicate your specific career interests and goals with the social media community. This can allow people to learn about your professional goals (without seeing all those pictures from your reading week in Mexico where the tequila bottle never left your side!) As I have recently learned, Facebook can be used for something other than for seeing how your friend's trip to Australia is going. It can send out a quick blurb to the Facebook community about who you are and what you want to do with your life in a professional light. It can allow you to connect and collaborate with people who could maybe help you reach your goals in life. And that's huge! Who couldn't use a leg up every once in a while?

That's why I created my very own professional Facebook page, which can be viewed below. I gave a quick rundown of my skills, interests, work and volunteer experience, and education history. This allows people to see who I am and what I am about in a quick snapshot. Based on this information they can see if we have similar interests and goals and they may choose to contact me with some helpful information, or see if I can help them in some way. Here is an article on more ways to use Facebook in a professional sense: Facebook Networking. This article gives a thorough rundown on what to look for while searching for professional Facebook pages, as well as what you should include in yours.

Some of my other classmates have taken on the same kind of project and here is a link to one of their pages. You should check it out! Another Cool Blog Page!  

My professional Facebook page!
Visit my page here:!/pages/Lauren-Bradshaw/365470406802324?sk=info

Tuesday 17 January 2012

First Time Blogger!

Hello to all the bacon lovers out there!
Bacon thatched roof on chocolate cake...nothing better!
Photo retrieved January 20, 2012 from
My name is Lauren Bradshaw and I am creating a blog for the first time in my life! Hold on tight, the road could be a little rocky. As is evident from the title of my blog, I am head over heels in love with bacon. But I do have a life outside of this delicous porcine treat! I also enjoy traveling (I have a trip coming up in May where I plan to spend 10 weeks in Europe with a few of my best friends), and I have a deeply rooted passion for animals (which I realize is a slight contradiction in regards to my love of bacon). The passion I have for animals of all kinds is what primarily drives my career goal of becoming a veterinarian. I realize that this is a highly competitive field though, so I would be equally as pleased if I found a career that allowed me to work with animals; even if it is not the role of the veterinarian. Currently I am a third year student in the Animal Health degree at the University of Alberta and my major is Companion and Performance Animals. I find the classes I have been taking, and am currently taking, to be an priceless investment as they directly relate to what I am most interested in and most enthusiastic about.

Me and my beloved chicken, Noodle
Photo from personal collection (L. Bradshaw, 2011)
As I stated previously, this is my first time blogging but it is not the first time I have used some form of social media. I have an active account with Facebook (maybe too active for my own good) and I recently signed-up for a Twitter account for my ALES 204 class. Although the class is still in early stages, I feel that ALES 204 has already shown me how social media can be used for a wide range of reasons. Blogs may be used for personal or professional reasons. Today in class we looked at many different blogs that all posted and gathered information that was science-related. As well, I know that several of my friends have used blogs to keep family and friends at home updated while they are away on a trip or at school abroad. I myself plan to use a blog as well as Skype when I go to Europe for 10 weeks. I think that social media is important because it allows for fast dissemination of information which can be crucial when dealing with things such as pandemics and natural disasters. It can raise awareness for things such as this much quicker than TV or radio could. Communication in general is crucial in all aspects of life. Both professionally and personally. Learning how to communicate through social media and other online resources is something that I believe is becoming increasingly important as our world continues to become more technologically oriented. In the animal health field, communication is vital as you must be able to correctly assess what is going on with the patient, as well as correctly and clearly explain what you concluded to the client. So communication is key and knowing how to communicate information in different ways is a useful and important tool. In veterinary medicine, as well as many other professions, there are online resources that are available with information such as cases that other veterinarians have dealt with as well as new treatments or procedures that are becoming available. Something that is also starting to become more common is online discussion forums which allow you to access professional information more conveniently, and without the cost of an examination (

With this course I am hoping to achieve a more confident understanding of communication through social media. I think that for myself, social media will allow information to be more accessible and more convenient. It will allow me to explore my interests on the internet and allow me to connect with people who have similar interests and goals. By collaborating with other people and exploring new interests, I can increase my knowledge in areas that interest me without being inconvenienced by travel or cost. Even now I have found sites that can help to prepare me for my career goal such as ( and ( I believe that this class will teach me how to further utilize the internet, for my benefit, in regards to social media. As I said before, I have little experience with social media and I look forward to furthering my knowledge on the subject. Also this is a link to another awesome blog that just started up! Check it out! Tech Hurts My Head

Our interactions via social networking
Photo retrieved April 1, 2012 from